Wow, It's been only a couple of days since we launched Blogonowski, and already it seems like a huge success!
I want to use this blog to encourage discussion on the issues facing the Merrimack Valley.
I was thinking about this while at the farm this morning.
The responsibility lies with our elected officials putting national security before political partisanship and begins with our elected officials communicating at the federal, state, and municipal level in order to ensure our public safety and national security. In this regard, I will support measures in Congress that will help streamline the communication between and facilitation of resources and intelligence information among our federal and state emergency management and public safety officials.
We live in uncertain times and the need to combat global terror is a constant struggle, and one we must win. More than just a "bumper sticker slogan", we need to stay vigilant in this fight against an ever shifting global enemy. I am the one candidate in this race who will continue to speak plainly and boldly about the very real threats we face in this world and the course Congress needs to take in order to keep America safe and restore our standing in the world.
Politicians in Washington need to make sure that national security is one of our top priorities. The American people are tired of the divisiveness in Washington and beyond that has led to a breakdown of our government's ability to get things done. The people need to send a leader to congress who will fight for our security, work to restore America's standing in the world, and not be concerned with empty political rhetoric and partisan bickering when it comes to matters of national security. When I get to Congress I pledge to be that leader for the people of the Merrimack Valley and the 5th Congressional District.
If you have any thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them.

Jim Ogonowski (pictured with his wife, Kathy) is currently running to fill the Congressional Seat vacated by Marty Meehan. His blog will contain news and updates - and occasionally light-hearted content - from the campaign trail.

Friday, July 13, 2007
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1 comment:
I'm glad you recognize that we need to "work to restore America's standing in the world." I wonder if there might be ways to reduce the anger towards the west, ways to reduce the number of people who think of America as the "Great Satan". We cannot negotiate with terrorists, but that doesn't mean we have to refuse to change anything about our country's policies. We can look in the mirror and ask what we might change about ourselves so that fewer people become terrorists dedicated to destroying our country.
Some things are off the table: we cannot give up our commitment to equal rights for women, we cannot change our freedom of religion, but there are lots of things that we should put on the table.
Right now our country seems intent on pursuing genetic engineering of human beings and bringing "postgenderism" to the world. The growth of Al Qaeda seems to coincide with the advance of postgenderism, with Vermont's recognition of gay couples perhaps justifying many of the hijackers commitment to their murder plans.
"Postgenderism" is not a core American value, most Americans don't even want it, and it should be on the table. We should stop it by enacting an "egg and sperm" law to preserve natural conception and stop genetic engineered people and same-sex conception. As long as we seem to be embracing postgenderism, people will hate us and try to kill us. We shouldn't just keep embracing it out of bravado.
Would you support an "egg and sperm law"? The President's Council on Bioethics recommended in 2004 that Congress prohibit all forms of conceiving a child that do not combine a man's sperm and a woman's egg, but it hasn't been done yet, in part because LGBT groups are insisting on equal rights for same-sex couples to attempt conception. That is foolish in itself, unethical and unsafe for the child, and wasteful of resources. It is flat out evil, in my opinion, and so much can be gained from stopping it, including peace.
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