(This letter appeared in this weeks Littleton Independent - Thanks Tyler!)
On Friday, July 20, I attended the Jim Ogonowski campaign event at the library. Jim’s message of civility, energy independence, commitment to victory in the war on terror and for simplifying the tax code struck a chord with me.
For a “regular Joe” he is very well informed and well spoken. He spoke simply and straightforward without trying to hide his stance in political jargon.
Aside from his conviction to win the war on terror to keep America safe, I appreciated his understanding that good ideas can come from both sides of the political aisle. An idea doesn’t have to be from the Democrat or Republican (or Independent) party to be good. To paraphrase Jim, “it doesn’t matter where a good idea comes from, what matters is that it’s good for America.”
It’s clear to most people that Washington desperately lacks statesmanship and civility, and that Congress is full of schemers as opposed to leaders. I was impressed with Jim Ogonowski and believe that he will bring leadership and civility to Washington.
-Tyler Gray
Trot Road

Jim Ogonowski (pictured with his wife, Kathy) is currently running to fill the Congressional Seat vacated by Marty Meehan. His blog will contain news and updates - and occasionally light-hearted content - from the campaign trail.

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