Last night, under the cover of darkness, Congress tried to pass a bill to allow illegal immigrants to receive federal funds in the agricultural spending bill. Obviously they did this because they thought that no one was watching. This sounds like something right from the days of smoked filled rooms and backroom deals of old. You see this sort of thing in movies and we hope that it is just Hollywood storytelling. Unfortunately this is the way Washington works today.
To further illustrate the circus that has become Washington, Congress tried to break even more rules on immigration with a vote, the erasure of that vote, then a re-vote on the same issue. Congress has become nothing but a verbal wrestling match where the winners are special interests and the losers are the people’s interests. When people go to the polls they don’t get a second chance in a couple of hours if they don’t like the outcome and neither should our out-of-touch congressmen.
It’s time to end the corruption and business as usual mentality of Washington, DC. It’s no wonder that people don't trust Washington. Between corruption and backroom deals, congress continues to prove to the American people that they can only be trusted to do what is best for them and not the American people . I want to go to Washington to work with both Republicans and Democrats to find solutions to the problems we have in this country. While serving 28 years in the Air Force, I learned about leadership and dedication to duty. I want to continue to serve my country. Apparently, Congress just wants to fight with each other instead of serving the American people.

Jim Ogonowski (pictured with his wife, Kathy) is currently running to fill the Congressional Seat vacated by Marty Meehan. His blog will contain news and updates - and occasionally light-hearted content - from the campaign trail.

Friday, August 3, 2007
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Hi Jim, My feelings exactly.....
congressmen are elected to serve us and not flight endlessly over petty self-serving issues....Walter, USMC
Jim, you said Congress tried to pass a bill to allow illegal immigrants to receive federal funds in the agricultural spending bill. wasn't it the Republicans that did this?
The amendment that was supported by the Republicans and some Democrats was to DENY illegal immigrants this money. Jim is taking issue both with the fact that congress erased that amendment after it had passed and then gaveled through a defeat once they had twisted enough arms as well as the fact that some members of congress were trying to provide funding for illegal immigrants. Clearly congress isn’t working for the American people. The people want immigration reform that does not include amnesty for illegal immigrants. This means a fence, and the enforcement of existing laws that do not provide benefits for illegal citizens. Thank you for your question!
All I have to say is "nice job Ogi" ... you had to be there
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