Jim Ogonowski (pictured with his wife, Kathy) is currently running to fill the Congressional Seat vacated by Marty Meehan. His blog will contain news and updates - and occasionally light-hearted content - from the campaign trail.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Getting Out the Vote
Endorsements by the Boston Globe and Boston Herald Today
Among the two Republicans running, this page endorses Jim Ogonowski, a Dracut hay farmer and retired Air Force lieutenant colonel. Ogonowski, a political newcomer, approaches the subject of combating terrorism not just as a person with 28 years of military experience but also as brother of the pilot of the American Airlines airplane that struck the World Trade Center on Sept. 11.
Ogonowski favors tougher security standards for the country's most vulnerable chemical facilities and ports, and wants more government funding for improved security at railway stations. Though a Republican, he criticizes the Bush administration's decision-making that led to the invasion of Iraq and the lack of planning in its aftermath. Ogonowski would allow gays and lesbians to serve in the military without "don't ask, don't tell" rules. He said he opposes gay marriage but favors civil unions.
Ogonowski is a strong advocate of renewable energy and wants a farm bill that provides greater support for family farms and rural towns. He brings a refreshing willingness to view issues on their merits and not through an ideological prism.
From the Boston Herald:
There is a nominal Republican contest in the Fifth and in it another candidate with a familiar name. But like Niki Tsongas, Jim Ogonowski has far more to offer than simply his relationship to a widely admired relative, in his case his late brother, John, who was at the controls of American Airlines Flight 11 when it was hijacked on September 11th, 2001. Indeed, the commonwealth's anemic Republican Part would be fortunate if it could attract more candidates for office like Ogonowski, a farmer from Dracut who spend a career in the U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard and has built his life around the twin virtues of hard work and dedication to duty. As a candidate, he speaks with authority on matters of national security, particularly aviation security. But he is equally comfortable talking jobs and health care in the coffee shops of Lowell or Lawrence, and unafraid to critique the Bush administration for mistakes in Iraq. The Herald is pleased to endorse Jim Ogonowski for the Republican nomination in the Fifth Congressional District.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Turning heads around the "Globe"
There was a very interesting article in the Boston Globe on page one of the city/region section explaining why Jim will be our next congressman if he wins on September 4th. You can read the whole article by clicking here.
One part of the article reads:
Ogonowski, a 49-year-old farmer from Dracut, has also been leaning on his 28-year career as an Air Force lieutenant colonel in an effort to demonstrate that he will help protect Americans in the "global war on terrorism" and won't allow Congress to "cut and run."
In his first campaign for elected office, Ogonowski also makes frequent references to Ronald Reagan and John F. Kennedy, as he seeks to cast himself as an outsider who will refrain from partisan politics.
"Today with our country so divided, Jim Ogonowski is needed again to put politics aside and fix a broken Washington," a deep-voiced narrator says in his television ad. As the hymn "I Vow to Thee, My Country" plays softly in the background, a family portrait showing Ogonowski in a military uniform flashes across the screen.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Lowell Sun Endorsement
Billerica Town Hall Last Night
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Last Night's Debate
Watch the debate by clicking here.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
It's Time to Get our Financial House in Order
Members of Congress should be ashamed of themselves. They have betrayed the public trust with their excessive government spending. The American people are frustrated with Congress because this is not what we elected them to do. It's time that we fight to end wasteful government spending and pork-barrel legislation.
The American Taxpayer should be very afraid. It's amazing to me that while Congress is consumed by partisan bickering they can always agree on one thing: wasteful pork-barrel legislation. I pledge to the voters of the Merrimack Valley that I will fight to end this practice.
I support (1) legislation that would force congress to disclose the sponsors of specific earmarks; (2) Encouraging lawmakers to be fiscally responsible by not voting to increase taxes to pay for pet projects; and (3) Reforming the Ethics committee to make sure Congressmen aren't simply "ATM Machines" for special interests by strengthening rules for earmark disclosure and increasing the time requirement between retiring from congress and becoming a lobbyist.
Spending is only half the problem. Congress is taking too much of our hard earned tax dollars and, if they have their way, they will take more next year. Our tax code already penalizes working families. As a farmer, my biggest cost is not fertilizer or equipment, but taxes. This is plain wrong. Congress needs to stop penalizing working families and small business owners.
Congress has already shown they can't spend the tax dollars they have wisely so they don't need any more of our money. As a member of Congress, I will fight for the American Taxpayer and will never vote to raise taxes.
I am the only 5th Congressional Candidate that has signed a pledge stating that I will never vote to raise taxes.
The people of the Merrimack Valley have to balance their check-books at the end of the month, and so should congress. American families expect the government to wisely manage the dollars they send to Washington. As responsible stewards of taxpayer dollars, the federal government must respect the bottom line, just as families do when balancing their own checkbooks.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Friday, August 3, 2007
Congress Can't be Trusted
To further illustrate the circus that has become Washington, Congress tried to break even more rules on immigration with a vote, the erasure of that vote, then a re-vote on the same issue. Congress has become nothing but a verbal wrestling match where the winners are special interests and the losers are the people’s interests. When people go to the polls they don’t get a second chance in a couple of hours if they don’t like the outcome and neither should our out-of-touch congressmen.
It’s time to end the corruption and business as usual mentality of Washington, DC. It’s no wonder that people don't trust Washington. Between corruption and backroom deals, congress continues to prove to the American people that they can only be trusted to do what is best for them and not the American people . I want to go to Washington to work with both Republicans and Democrats to find solutions to the problems we have in this country. While serving 28 years in the Air Force, I learned about leadership and dedication to duty. I want to continue to serve my country. Apparently, Congress just wants to fight with each other instead of serving the American people.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
My First TV Advertisement
I need your help to end business as usual down in Washington.
Please email this video to all your friends and tell them why you support my candidacy.
Together, we will fix a broken congress and put an end to the partisan bickering that dominates the dialogue today.
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Jim on WBZ-TV

The interview is in two parts:
Part 1
Part 2
Check it out!