Jim Ogonowski (pictured with his wife, Kathy) is currently running to fill the Congressional Seat vacated by Marty Meehan. His blog will contain news and updates - and occasionally light-hearted content - from the campaign trail.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Busy Week!

It's been a busy and exciting week over at the Jim Ogonowski for Congress campaign. Jim showed that there were clear differences between himself and Niki at the first debate in Andover sponsored by the League of Women Voters. On Saturday, we had a great time at the Holy Apostle Church Greek Festival in Haverhill - look for us in your town soon, and please sing up to volunteer!

Below: Standout outside the Debate

Greek Festival:

"Biggest Fan" - Tom from Haverhill

Friday, September 14, 2007

Jim at UMass-Lowell Today

Jim visited UMass-Lowell today to learn more about the research and development taking place in renewable energy right here in the 5 th District. He was accompanied by Prof. Craig Armiento, Ph.D. the head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Prof. Ziyad Salameh, who focuses on renewable energy research. On the tour, he saw a Lithium Energy battery that according to Prof. Salameh "could be the solution to the commuter car." A battery like the one showed to Jim would be two or three times more efficient than a gasoline engine.

As a lifelong farmer and small-businessman, Jim believes that we must invest in clean, renewable energy. We can no longer be held hostage to foreign regimes who control vast amounts of the oil reserves. We need to rapidly expand our research and development of renewable CLEAN energy sources. Additionally, we need to offer incentives such as tax credits for businesses and homeowners who use renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.

Below are pictures from this morning:

From Left, Prof. Armiento, Prof Salameh, Jim

The solution to the commuter car?

Looking out over Lowell, wind power in the background.

Solar panels can help to end our dependence on Foreign Oil.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

2nd TV Ad - "Broken Congress"

Jim Ogonowski, candidate for congress in the 5th District of Massachusetts, announced today the airing of his second television ad, "Broken Congress."

Government has stopped working for the people. Congress is broken. Washington is a mess – too controlled by special interests and partisan politicians. Between corruption and backroom deals, Congress continues to prove that they can only be trusted to do what is best for them and not the American people. We deserve more. We deserve better. Jim Ogonowski favors ending wasteful spending, opposes granting amnesty for illegal immigrants, and would like to see the 5th District become a leader in clean, renewable energy.

You can watch the Ad below.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Election Night Party

Tuesday, September 4th, 2007

8:30 PM to 10:30 PM

Dracut American Legion

574 Broadway Road

Dracut, MA

Light Refreshments to be served

Contact: 978-269-5080 or info@jimogonowski.com

Election Eve Get Out the Vote!

It is getting late, but Jim and Kathy are still here, dialing for every last vote!