Jim visited UMass-Lowell today to learn more about the research and development taking place in renewable energy right here in the 5 th District. He was accompanied by Prof. Craig Armiento, Ph.D. the head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Prof. Ziyad Salameh, who focuses on renewable energy research. On the tour, he saw a Lithium Energy battery that according to Prof. Salameh "could be the solution to the commuter car." A battery like the one showed to Jim would be two or three times more efficient than a gasoline engine.
As a lifelong farmer and small-businessman, Jim believes that we must invest in clean, renewable energy. We can no longer be held hostage to foreign regimes who control vast amounts of the oil reserves. We need to rapidly expand our research and development of renewable CLEAN energy sources. Additionally, we need to offer incentives such as tax credits for businesses and homeowners who use renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power.
Below are pictures from this morning:

From Left, Prof. Armiento, Prof Salameh, Jim

The solution to the commuter car?

Looking out over Lowell, wind power in the background.

Solar panels can help to end our dependence on Foreign Oil.